Architectural Worlds. Sergei Tchoban – Draftsman and Collector

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Catalogue of the exhibition “Architectural Worlds. Sergei Tchoban – Draftsman and Collector”
ed. by Eva-Maria Barkhofen, published by Jovis, 2010
in German and English
128 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-86859-047-0

The possibilities for expression of architectural drawings open to draftsmen are as varied as the thoughts they care to think. For that reason “paper architecture” occupies a very special position among the graphic arts. Drawings of architectural worlds continue to exert a fascination on viewers today.
Sergei Tchoban, architect, virtuoso, draftsman and passionate collector of drawings by European architects and painters dating from the seventeenth century, shows his own work in this book selected from a dialog with pieces in his collection ranging almost thirty years.
Since the collection focuses on motifs of ancient, Baroque, and classicistic architecture, the spectrum of Tchoban’s perspectival-illusionist representations is correspondingly broad. His works range from drawings marked by the play of water and light from his hometown of St. Petersburg, to travel impressions, fantasies, and visionary studies.